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  1. Anita

    Just caught up with your thought for the day Annette. Holman Hunt’s picture has been with me nearly all my life when as a little girl, I was taken to see it hanging in St Paul’s Cathredal. The music too was special, as Brian and I had it at our wedding 56 years ago, when we sang Aurelia to different words.
    ‘Oh God we pray Thy blessing to rest upon us now.
    We pray that these your children now pledged in solemn vow,
    May know Thy daily guiding
    Along the path begun,
    And in Thy love confiding,
    Their hearts be knit in one.’
    There are three more verses, but we can testify that during these years, we have known our Father’ s faithful guidance. Great is Thy faithfulness was another one we sang at our wedding!! Which prompts me to want to sing, ‘Great is our God’.
    Thanks Annette and love to you and the family xxxx?‍?‍?‍??

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